
Our Easy Reclaims

Have you been mis-sold?

80% Of UK Businesses Utilise The Services Of Energy Brokers (AKA Energy Specialists, Energy Consultants, Pricing Specialists, Collectively Known As TPI's - Third Party Intermediaries) For Their Electricity & Gas Contracts.

90% Of These Businesses Have Been Mis-Sold Their Business Energy Contracts.

OFGEM Report on 28th March 2022 Confirms UK Businesses Have Been Mis-Sold.

Mobile  : 
07850 936 045
Office    :  0141    889   1113


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Current Estimated Claims Value


Of Businesses have been mis-sold


Average Claim Value

Claiming Strategy

We Recover Directly From The Supplier, And Not From The Broker, Meaning Our Claim Values Are 2-3 Times Higher Than Our Competitors.

Recovery & Fees

Upload Evidence

Financial Disbursement

Settlement of Claim

No Win... No Fee!

The OFGEM report that was released with a whimper on 28th March 2022, confirms almost every business is being mis-sold to! We intend on making this public on their behalf. 

  • 80% of ALL UK Businesses use Brokers annually.
  • At least 90% of all those contracts are mis-sold - Guaranteed!
  • That’s 4.8 Million Businesses annually.
  • UK Businesses can reclaim up to 80% of ALL Bills and Contracts whilst using Brokers going back to the year 2000.
  • Brokers AND Energy Suppliers are jointly and severally liable for the mis-selling.
  • There are currently almost 300 Commercial Energy Suppliers, (equates to 55 Parent Companies Defendants) and around 4,500 Commercial Energy Brokers.
  • We recover from the Supplier NOT the Broker, meaning our claim values are at least 2-3 times higher than our competitors, sometimes more! 
  • We are the ONLY company that can calculate the claims accurately, which have been forensically examined and certified, using proprietary calculations and algorithms. 
  • Also, we are the only company recommended to Law Firms by Litigation Funders and Insurance Providers.
  • Our Panel of 8 independent Firms of specialist Solicitors charge the lowest fees on the market and are capped at 30% of the Settlement Figure.
  • You will never be asked to pay a single penny up front.
    We work on a No Win ... No Fee Basis!
  • The No Win … No Fee Agreement is ATE Insurance protected. In the unlikely event of a court loss, the ATE (After The Event) steps in & covers all Adverse Legal Costs. In the event of a court win, the Claimant will pay for the ATE Insurance Policy out of their Claim Settlement Award.
  • We receive our fees directly from the Solicitor acting for you and we are paid a percentage out of their 30%.
  • Sounds too good to be true? That is what they said about PPI until the word spread! 

Make a claim now!

Click Here!

Register Yourself

Once we have received your personal and business details, you will receive (via email) a secure link for you to upload into our Dropbox, all of your evidence, such as documents for your Gas & Electricity Energy Contract(s), & any Bills as well as emails that you received from your Broker.

Book an Audit

Upload Evidence

Please drag and drop into Dropbox as many related Gas & Electricity energy documents as you can find. It would also help us if you create individual folders and name them for each Energy Company too! We will sift through them for the relevant details. When dealing with emails just left mouse click to highlight your email (don't open the email), then left mouse click and hold & drag and drop your email straight into Dropbox - it's as easy as that!

Book an Audit

Claim Assessment

Our Assessment Team will carefully Calculate and Evaluate your Claim(s) and quickly advise you of the outcome.

Submit to Solicitors

If a claim is possible, you will be asked to confirm that you are willing to proceed and the case will be submitted to our panel of Solicitors who will then get in touch with you.

Book an Audit

Settlement of Claim

Once the solicitors have negotiated a settlement value with the relevant parties you will be notified via email to confirm the acceptance of the offer of settlement. When you have taken your time to consider the settlement amount and you have then accepted the settlement offer you must notify the Solicitors of your decision. It is at this point the disbursements will be made to you.

Book an Audit

Financial Disbursement

We can usually claim up to 80% of any calculated value, of which the solicitors will retain 30% plus VAT & the remainder will be dispersed to the claimant. All other costs to introducers, intermediaries & other relevant parties are settled from the solicitors 30% portion of the claim value.

Case Closed

At this point, the case will be closed & considered to be final. Once completed, Our Easy Reclaims & our partners reserve the right to contact you if we require further information.

Book an Audit

Give us a call!

Register your intent to claim & call us

Office    0141    889    1113

Mobile   07850 936 045

Market Research

The Reclaims Founder & his team have spent the last 18 months investigating the market, gathering intelligence, collating evidence & speaking to the following :

  1. Judges
  2. Barristers
  3. Solicitors
  4. Energy Suppliers
  5. Brokers
  6. Information Commissioners Office
  7. Financial Conduct Authority
  8. Solicitors Regulatory Authority
  9. Litigation Funders
  10. Insurance Providers
  11. Insolvency Practitioners
  12. The Serious Fraud Office
  13. BEIS
  14. Ofgem

They have
all recognised that mis-selling of contracts are endemic throughout the commercial business energy contracts industry.

The Reclaims Founder has obtained KC (King's Counsel) opinion on these types of claims which has confirmed the excellent prospects of success on each individual claim.

2024 and Beyond

During the last 12 months, the Founder has forged stronger relationships with high level Solicitors whose objective is to reclaim all the payments made by UK businesses for mis-sold energy.

If you’d like to work with us on this mission,
please do get in touch.

We are the leading experts in evaluating and calculating your claim(s). The Founder developed a Calculation and Algorithm that is unique. We only work with carefully vetted Law Firms that are experienced and trusted to recover the maximum amount of monies owed – Let us help you!


  • What do I have to do to make a claim ?

    Once we have calculated your claim, we need you to make an appointment with one of our Solicitors to confirm a few basic details. The Law Firm will send you a letter of engagement and an agreement for the “No Win - No Fee” with ATE (After The Event) Insurance protection information, as well as the Terms & Conditions. 

  • What information do I need to provide ?

    You will need to provide copies of contracts and as many bills you can find together with any supporting evidence, such as copies of emails, call recordings, etc.

    Don’t worry too much if you cannot provide the contracts, with the letter of engagement, your Solicitor can obtain copies direct from the supplier on your behalf. To satisfy new legal requirements, you will also need to provide proof of identity.

  • What will it cost me ?

    You will not pay a penny up front. Any fees are taken directly from your settlement amount.

    Depending on the value of your claim, the maximum amount you would pay would be 30%. You may need to pay for an ATE  (after the event) insurance policy, which protects you from any adverse legal costs in the unlikely event your claim fails. This would be discussed with your Solicitor should the need arise. Again, this will be taken from your settlement amount & never upfront.

  • How long will it take to receive my money back ?

    There are various factors which can influence the timescale, such as the complexity of your case, the volume of supporting evidence, how the Broker and / or Supplier engage with your Solicitor. Ultimately, most cases settle at the earliest opportunity due to your claim being “document and evidence based” and the weight of black and white evidence being indefensible. Most cases reach settlement within 2 – 12 months.

  • What should I do if my Broker or Supplier contacts me ?

    If they contact you via any means, simply refer them to your Solicitor, they will deal with them on your behalf. It is not uncommon for Brokers and suppliers to try and apply pressure on clients, making inaccurate statements to try to frighten you to drop your claim.

    Don’t entertain them. Simply pass it on to your Solicitor to deal with.

  • Will I have to go to court ?

    It is highly unlikely that you would ever have to attend court. On the rare occasions, they

    generally settle without setting foot in the courtroom. If you have to attend, then your Solicitor will support and guide you every step of the way. In our experience, it is generally the high value (over £1 million claims) that ever get near the courtroom.

  • Can I do it myself ?

    Financing your claim individually can become quite costly, it’s a very extensive and legal process which requires a lot of administrative leg work and correspondence.

    Using our professional partners and household representation we remove all the potential pitfalls and financial nuances for you. Also we work on a No Win ... No Fee Basis!

  • What will happen to my exisitng contracts ?

    Once we have carefully checked that you will not be put in a worse financial position, then your contracts will need to be replaced once your claim is settled. We do not throw you back into the mire to be mis-sold again. We will offer you new contracts through carefully vetted third parties to ensure you are protected.

    If you were placed in a worse financial position by the above happening, then we would park you claim and proceed only when you would not be financially affected. (This only happens on rare occasions.)

  • Which Brokers or Suppliers can we trust in the future ?

    That is the million dollar question!

    We have extensively searched the market.

    We have partnered with a small number of trusted Brokers who are aligned with our business ethos and ethics. They will show you how things should be done professionally, with openness and transparency! This means that moving forward, you will never be mis-sold again. We also hope that by challenging all these Brokers, that some of them will change the way they operate and do things properly …  we hope!

  • I don't think we used Brokers. Can we still claim ?

    Are you sure?

    Some of these Brokers call you pretending to be your Supplier. If you always call the Supplier yourself, then this doesn’t apply to you. If they call you, then there is a huge risk that you have indeed used a Broker unwittingly.

    PLEASE NOTE : If you have not used a Broker, then unfortunately, you cannot make a claim.

  • We have signed contracts which haven’t started yet. Can I still claim ?

    That doesn’t matter! We can get those contracts cancelled (subject to it being financially of benefit to you). We will check the current market rates and if they are higher, then two things can happen:

    1) We can request that the Supplier removes the commission element from the pricing.

    2) We can park your claim and effectively treat it as a savings account. 

    We would proceed with your claim & you would not suffer any financial loss.

    If we are able place you in a cheaper contract we will let you know and present the options to you.

  • The Broker got me better prices than I could going direct. Is it worth claiming ?

    Absolutely! Brokers can always get better prices than you could going direct, in most cases they just choose not to! 

    The fact remains, that they did not disclose the commissions involved before you signed. They hide it for a reason, so you don’t know exactly how much they have cost you. If they had nothing to hide, then they would have told you how much commission is built into the contracts. Remember, on average, 20% of your bills are pure commission, pre-paid to the Broker as soon as you signed the contract. It opens the door for us to legally recover the large profits the Supplier has made in addition to the Broker commissions, even if the Broker only applied a tiny amount. We recover from the Supplier, not the Broker.

  • Isn’t it too much hassle? What if I don’t have the time ?

    You do not have to do anything at all, beyond the initial disclosure stage. Your Solicitor takes care of everything for you. For the tiny investment of your time in giving us your contracts and supporting evidence, you will receive a substantial amount of money that you can re-invest into your business, money that never should have been taken in the first place! You can agree with your Solicitor the level of service you would like to receive. We realise just how busy you are, and we have streamlined the process to ensure you are not interrupted.

  • We looked into this before & nothing could be done. What makes you different ?

    How long ago was that? Things have definitely changed in the legal arena over the years. But more importantly, Brokers have been paying huge sums of money to other claims companies so they won’t pursue them for mis-sold claims. 

    If they just suddenly dropped your case, or gave a lame excuse, and didn’t show you proof that it definitely wasn’t mis-sold, then they may have been paid off. 

    We cannot be bought! We value justice and integrity.  Let us look into this for you. If we determine that you have a claim, we will win it for you. If you have been affected by their actions or in-actions, then your Solicitor will advise you accordingly. It won’t cost you a penny to check!

  • What if I paid a monthly or yearly management fee ?

    You are in for a shock!

    The management fee was up front and you may not have known about it before signing up. However, as it forms part of the process & or contract, we can recover this fee. 

    They will have still applied commissions in the contracts which we can recover for you as well. 

    Effectively they are getting paid twice by you!

  • What is in it for you ?

    Our business ethos is built on the foundations of being open, honest, transparent and trustworthy. We feel it is important, and we are happy to tell you how we are paid.

    We receive a nominal upfront calculation, evaluation and administration fee direct from the Solicitor. We also get a % of the Solicitors fees only when your claim is settled. ALL our fees are paid for by the Solicitor (except in Scotland where we will document the process at the start of your claim). Not one penny is deducted from your agreed percentage of the claim.

    As it is a percentage based calculation, we cannot give you an exact figure because we do not know what your settlement will be. However, the Solicitor acting for you will tell you in writing to satisfy SRA regulations.

  • The Whole Process Explained !

    Register yourself

    Once we have received your personal and business details, you will receive (via email) a secure link for you to upload into our Dropbox, all of your evidence, such as documents for your Gas & Electricity Energy Contract(s), any Bills as well as emails that you received from your Broker.

    Upload Evidence

    Please drag and drop into Dropbox as many related Gas & Electricity energy documents as you can find. It would also help us if you create individual folders and name them for each Energy Company too! We will sift through them for the relevant details. When dealing with emails just left mouse click to highlight your email (don't open the email) and then left mouse click and hold & drag and drop your email straight into Dropbox - it's as easy as that!

    Claim Assessment

    Our Assessment Team will carefully Calculate and Evaluate your Claim(s) and advise you of the outcome.

    Submit to Solicitors

    If a claim is possible, you will be asked to confirm that you are willing to proceed and the case will be submitted to our panel of Solicitors who will then get in touch with you.

    Settlement of Claim

    Once the solicitors have negotiated, a settlement value, you will be notified via email to confirm the acceptance of the offer of settlement and disbursements will be made.

    Financial Disbursement

    We can usually claim up to 80% of any calculated value, of which the solicitors will retain 30% plus VAT and the remainder will be dispersed to the claimant. All other costs to introducers, intermediaries and other relevant parties are settled from the solicitors 30% portion of the claim value.

    Case closed

    At this point, the case will be closed and considered to be final. EasyReclaims and our partners reserve the right to contact you after the case is closed, should we require further information from you.

Our Easy Reclaims is a member of

The Business Savings Club Ltd
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